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Anthony Slater

Downtown Brooklyn

Headshot of Anthony Slater


Body Transformation


General Wellness

Sport Performance

Strength Training

quotation marks
It is my purpose to help others discover and maintain their own personal optimal state.


Brooklyn, NY

Training Philosophy

With over ten years of professional experience, I’ve accumulated priceless skills and tools pertaining to health and wellness and believe it is my purpose to help others discover and maintain their own personal optimal state. My formal education at Stony Brook University and practical experience in the field of health and fitness have helped me develop an expertise in strength training, functional nutrition, exercise physiology, sports-specific fitness training, and performance psychology.


National Strength and Conditioning Association

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

NASM: Performance Enhancement Specialist

Precision Nutrition Level 1

Claim to Fame

At Chelsea Piers Brooklyn, I’d have to say the photo of me defying gravity while using the battle ropes at our gym.

Favorite Way To Relax

Listening to soothing music. Music by Miles Davis, Stevie Wonder Sade, Anita Baker are go to’s.

Most Interesting Place I've Been

I’d have to go with Iceland. Visiting during the summer, experiencing 22 hours of sunlight and milky blue lagoons was definitely interesting.